Tuesday, 24 March 2009

What are the key issues affecting British television today?
New technology
Fragmented audiences

What will the key factors in ensuring its success or downfall in the future?
Different models of funding and production
Format selling
Trans media model (Sharing production costs across countries)
Use of new technology

What other issues can you think that may/will affect British broadcasting?
Quality of America programming (more cost effective to buy programmes than to make them)
PSB (public service broadcasting) tradition means that there are laws regarding product placement and other elements of output
Declining popularity of TV as a medium
An argument for and against the future of British broadcasting
Export more than half the world's TV formats
British television shows now feature prodominatly in US television schedules
The business model presented by piracy actually represents the future
All the UK's major broadcasters have set up websites
Digital Britain
The UK's digital economy accounts for around 8% of GDP. It has been one of the fastest growing successes of the past decades

The UK's advertising money has plummeted by £100m in the past eight yearsThe proliferation of video-sharing websites means that viewers around the world are increasingly using their computers to download and view entire programmesThe makers of them programmes do not recieve money and so it potentially threatens the basis on which programmes are funded

History of British Broadcasting

The British Broadcasting Corporation, almost always referred to by its abbreviation "the BBC", is the world's largest broadcaster.Incorporated in the United Kingdom by government charter, it employs 28,500 people in the country alone and has an annual budget of more than £4 billion.The BBC is a quasi-autonomous statutory corporation as a public service broadcaster and is run by the BBC Trust; it is, per its charter, supposed to "be free from both political and commercial influence and answer only to its viewers and listeners". In addition to being the largest broadcasting corporation in the world, BBC Newsgathering is the largest news system through its regional offices, foreign correspondents and agreements with other news services.
The BBC reaches more than 200 countries and is available to more than 274 million households, significantly more than CNN's (its nearest competitor) estimated 200 million. Its radio services broadcast on a wide variety of wavelengths, making them available to many regions of the world. It broadcasts news - by radio or over the Internet - in some 33 languages.
The BBC was the first national broadcasting organisation and was founded on 18 October 1922 as the
British Broadcasting Company Ltd; It was subsequently granted a Royal Charter and was made a publicly funded corporation in 1927. The corporation produces programmes and information services, broadcasting globally on television, radio, and the Internet. The stated mission of the BBC is "to inform, educate and entertain" (as laid down by Parliament in the BBC Charter) its motto is "Nation Shall Speak Peace Unto Nation".
The BBC's domestic programming is primarily funded by levying
television licence fees (under the Wireless Telegraphy Act 1949), although money is also raised through commercial activities such as sale of merchandise and programming. The BBC World Service, however, is funded through a grant-in-aid by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. As part of the BBC Charter, the Corporation cannot show commercial advertising on any services in the United Kingdom (television, radio, or internet). Outside the United Kingdom the BBC broadcasts commercially funded channels such as BBC America, BBC Canada, and BBC World News. In order to justify the licence fee, the BBC is expected to produce a number of high-rating shows in addition to programmes that commercial broadcasters would not normally broadcast.
Older domestic UK audiences often refer to the BBC as "the Beeb", a nickname originally dubbed by
Peter Sellers in The Goon Show in the 1950s, when he referred to the "Beeb Beeb Ceeb". It was then borrowed, shortened and popularised by Kenny Everett. Another nickname, now less commonly used, is "Auntie", said to originate from the old-fashioned "Auntie knows best" attitude, (but possibly a sly reference to the 'aunties' and 'uncles' who were presenters of children's programmes in early days) in the days when John Reith, the BBC's founder, was in charge. The two nicknames have also been used together as "Auntie Beeb" and Auntie has been used in outtakes programmes such as Auntie's Bloomers.
The topic of discussion; "The future is bright for CONTEMPORARY BRITISH BROADCASING."Reasons as to why British Broadcasting has a bright future:
Formats - Formats such as "Strictly Come Dancing", "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" and "The X Factor" are all UK based formats which have proved to be successful in other countries, exporting more than half the worlds TV formats.
"A TV Programme format is a license to produce and to broadcast a national version of a copyrighted foreign
TV programme and to use its name. Formats are a major part of the international television market.
Format purchasing is popular with broadcasters, due notably to:
the large cost savings associated with avoiding the risk of inventing something original;
the illusion for national audiences of watching a successful local production
the potential for the concept behind a certain TV show to be successful if tailored for a particular market."Extracted from Wikipedia
Digital Television - "A successful Britain must be a Digital Britain. The UK's digital economy accounts for around 8% of GDP. It has been one of the fastest growing successes of the past decade."
The average time an average British adult spends watching TV is more than three and a half hours per night, more than ever before. Reasons why the British Broadcasting doesn't have much to look foward to in the future:
Advertising (The ability to not watch them). The amount of money coming into television from advertising is on a downfall, plummetting by £100m in the past eight years. Digital technology now allows viewers to skip commercial breaks, and while advertisers switch to the internet, broadcasters are having to cut the fee they charge for airtime, "The cost of reaching 1,000 adults is now roughly £4.50. The average price eight or nine years ago was nearly £7."
Piracy problems. The proliferation of video-sharing websites means that viewers around the world are increasingly using their computers to download and view entire programmes illegally. This affects the television industry and their costs, not receiving any money as downloaders watch their programmes for free, threatening the industry as a whole.